Saturday, January 13, 2007

Introducing the Team: Martin Schlomer

The Congo Vision Trip team consists of four members: Senior Pastor Martin Schlomer, Elder Board chair Cal Kierum, and members Linda McCoy and Nathalie Poelman. We have asked each to submit a photo and write an introductory blog about who they are and why they are planning on traveling to the Congo next summer.

Pastor Martin Schlomer

When people ask me why I want to lead a vision team to the Congo to work with those who have HIV/AIDS, there are four reasons.

First, I know that God’s heart mourns for those who have this fatal disease. They are dying because there is no cure. It is devastating not only to their society, but to future generations.

Second, there are few if any resources to care for those who are dying and those who are left behind, especially the children. The Congolese church is doing what it can to be the hands and feet of Christ, but they don’t have many resources or expertise to work with. They are asking for help from Elim and other churches, not to come do the work for them, but to come alongside and assist them with resources and expertise so that they can do the work.

Third, because they have the need and we have the resources and expertise, this provides us with a call to a compassionate and sacrificial involvement. In a way, their need is a gift to us. We have the opportunity to experience the incredible gift of God’s pleasure and empowerment as we respond by getting involved with a group of people God deeply cares about. Paul told the Ephesian elders that through sacrificial help and “… hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’” (Acts 20:35).

Finally, I realize that God will catalyze profound change within the heart of every person who is caught by God’s vision and gets involved either by going or through supporting those who go. I believe this will result in more people who not only participate in future trips to the Congo, but who also go into Puyallup, Tacoma, Seattle and beyond and take every opportunity that presents itself to be the hands, feet and voice of Jesus to those in need.

Folks, this is REVIVAL … God pouring out His Spirit on people in need through His people who are willing! Will you be a part of the revival by becoming the hands, feet and voice of Jesus to those in need?


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