Sunday, February 25, 2007

A Letter From Senior Pastor Martin Schlomer

Dear friends and members of Elim,

Thank you for your incredible support for the Congo Vision Team, and for attending the banquet just a few weeks ago. Your willingness to give up a night to come and hear about our vision, pray for and financially support the team, is an incredible encouragement.

Please continue to pray that God will direct each step we take in this effort. While our departure date of July 17 seems a ways off, the time is rapidly approaching.

I also want to make you aware that Kevin Kompelien will be at Elim this Sunday, March 4. Kevin is former pastor of a large Evangelical Free church in San Jose, CA. He is currently the director for all of EFCA missions in Africa and will be an important member of our vision team in July. He has just returned from the Congo and will share what he sees God doing there. In addition to preaching at the 8:15 and 11:00 services, he will have a Q&A time during the Adult Education hour at 9:45. I want to encourage you to come and hear about the incredible things God is doing in Africa. Kevin is a very engaging communicator who shares God’s heart for the sick and oppressed.

Again, thank you! I believe that your support is a “fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God” (Phil. 4.18). May He richly bless you as we partner together to be the hands, feet and words of Christ.

God bless,

Martin Schlomer


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